architectures for biodiversity | living- lab
Tropical forest | Pacific Coast
The site-specific intervention is located in the tropical forest on the Pacific coast of Mexico. The intervention is proposed as a -living lab- that generates an interior space in the tropical forest. A subtraction exercise that creates an inner bio-architecture. A Gate to a portion of pristine forest that highlights its biodiversity and complexity.
The tropical deciduous forest of the Pacific coast of Mexico is a fragile landscape characterized by its great ecological biodiversity, where a great variety of natural habitats and endemic species coexist. Among the flora that cohabit this fragment of landscape are diverse varieties of trees, associated with a variety of palms, ferns, grasses, mosses, shrubs and wildflowers.
This ecosystem has been constantly transformed by human activities. Forest landscapes with great biodiversity and ecological dynamics, have been reduced to small green patches inserted within urban areas, now considered as potentially buildable residual lots.
The aim of the project is to reflect and reimagine new sensitive approaches to the biological value of these small mosaics with their own ecosystems. A sensitive approach towards biodiversity and the biological future of these landscape fragments surviving within urban environments where natural heterogeneity and dynamics are emphasized.
Living Laboratory:
As a living laboratory, the intervention pays homage to the importance of these ecosystems, through an exercise of subtraction that creates a vegetal interior space. The intervention is conceived as a -living laboratory- that identifies and reflects on the value of these small natural mosaics. Essential landscapes for our environment.
The project is conceived as a symbolic delimitation of a portion of forest in the urban environment. A low-impact intervention, where native plant species and endemic fauna coexist. The limits are blurred by nature itself. Throughout the day, the place changes through different tones, transparencies, sounds. Flora and fauna. A natural space that merges with the environment. Observing, walking, listening. A space of encounter, experience, awareness and knowledge of the landscape.
Vegetation regeneration process
The bio-space has been conceived as an ephemeral intervention that emphasizes the natural process of vegetation and encourages nature to continue its own spontaneous growth, erasing the footprint left by human activity by performing its own dynamics again.