Vegetal belvedere
Lausanne, Switzerland
A new vertical travel through a great vegetal volume that integrates as a new façade in the urban landscape. A travel across through different gardens that at the same time function as a skin of an observatory in the urban space.
The project is located in an area of constant urban transformation where different temporary structures can be seen: cranes, fences, trucks, containers. Our proposal consists on using a temporary structure for construction: the scaffolding, giving a new reading to the structure transforming it into a great vegetal facade.
The intervention is related to its surroundings through diverse scales and visual levels. On the one hand, on an urban scale, the project is a tower that sets as a new volume that integrates to the existing skyline, continuing with the chromatic rythm of the existing façades. The volume works as a great vegetal canvas where its plants dilute and transform constantly conforming a great natural canvas of diverse chromatisms and textures in the city.
On the other hand, the project establishes a more approximately scaled relationship. The visitor can enter into the structure of the scaffolding, and from there, the people can travel through different gardens in several heights and levels, having the possibility to dialogue directly with the urban landscape of Lausanne.
2nd Prize. International Contest Lausane Jardins 09
Project made within ex-studio by Ivan Juárez and Patricia Meneses
Organized by: lausannejardins
Curator: Francesco Della Casa
Collaborations: Sarah Herssens, Charlotte Gerard, Salomé Ayuso
Photographs: Francesco Della Casa and Anh-Dao Trinh