Ivan Juarez is taking part on the exhibition and publication -Revive-
“-Revive- is a research and knowledge exchange project that was initiated in Southern Estonia in anticipation of the 2024 cultural capital of Europe (Tartu,Estonia). The online exhibition and publication interviewed 18 scientists, artists, and curators from the Nordic States, the Baltic, and internationally. It behaves as a reawakening not only in our cultural scene but focuses upon inno¬vative artists and scientists whom are passionate about cultural outreach and creative approaches that focus on the relationship between the environment and human activity”.
Tartu Artists’ Union (MTÜ Tartu Kunstnike Liit)
The Tartu Artists’ Union is a non-profit organisation comprising professional artists and art theorists. The aim of the union is to promote art, create opportunities for professional development, provide information about events and exhibitions held in Estonia as well as abroad. This publication was made by possible by all of the international and local artists, scientists, and collaborators who took part and shared their work with us.
-Betsy Damon
-India Mansour
-Laura Põld
-Xavier Cortada
-Maarja Mäemets/Rait Lõhmus
-Vinicius Libardoni
-Ivan Juarez
-Lisa Fluegelfeld
-Sarah Epping
-Torill Kornfeldt
-James Cook
-Viktor Lyagushkin
-Open Out
-Cortada Projects
-Charlotte Biszewski
-Mark Isaac/Gabriela Bulisov
Special Thanks:
The City of Tartu – for financial support and backing
The Arctic Dive Base – for introduction to photographer Viktor Lyagushkin
Nordic and Baltic Young Artist Award – for promotion of our youth
Sander Kiviselg, Rummu Adventurecenter – for all their support for “Under the Water, on the
Sarah Epping. Artist and curator
Tartu-Estonia, November 2020