
X – S T U D I O  |   I V A N   J U A R E Z

x-studio | Ivan Juarez is a multidisciplinary research practice focuses on exploring different artistic and environmental disciplines through the dialogue between ecological, biological and cultural systems.  Through his practice he has produced a series of projects that explore the natural and built environment from a cross-disciplinary approach. A series of works conceived in diverse contexts and scales ranging from landscape and urban interventions, architectonic spaces,  landscape acupunctures, low-impact interventions, place making and site-specific installations to bio-cohabitation spaces, body architectures, sensory devices and craft pieces.

x-studio | Ivan Juarez  explores a diverse range of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, across different geographies around the world, encompassing a wide variety of natural environments, and cultural landscapes. From the tropical forest and marine ecosystem in Brazil to the Andean cultivation terraces in Peru. From coastal landscapes such as dunes, mangroves, and tropical forests to desert ecosystems in Mexico, as well as the Boreal forest in North America. From the Savannah in Senegal to the Mediterranean landscapes of Greece, Italy, and Spain. From the Pyrenean forests and meadows in Andorra and France, and alpine landscapes in Italy and Switzerland, to the Danube River valley in Austria and Hungary. From the Karkonosze Mountains to the banks of the Odra River in Poland. From coastal coniferous forests and meadows in the Norwegian and Swedish fjords, across the lakelands of Finland, to the Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard, and from native eucalyptus forests in Australia to forest ecosystems and agricultural fields in Japan and Taiwan.

I V A N   J U A R E Z

Architect, landscape architect, environmental artist and educator. Ivan Juarez works at the intersection of practice, research and teaching, across a wide variety of media, geographies and scales.

Doctor of Arts -Practice-Based Research- from the Academy of Art & Design in Wrocław, Poland. He holds a Masters Degree in Landscape Architecture with distinction from Budapest Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning,  Corvinus University of Budapest. As a master student he received the ECLAS Outstanding MLA Student Award given by the European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools. He also holds a Specialization in Landscape Architecture from Barcelona School of Architecture ETSAB | Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and his BArch from Habitat Faculty, UASLP, Mexico.

Ivan Juarez is appointed lecturer & researcher in Landscape Architecture at the Iceland University | Agriculture  | Faculty of Design & Planning 

He has been lecturer of environmental design disciplines, including architecture, design, landscape & urban design and lecturer of art disciplines including  environmental art. Ivan Juarez has been Member of the National System of Art Creators, an acknowledgment that encourages, promotes and supports individual creation to contribute and increase the cultural heritage and provides recognition to those who have given prestige to Mexico in the field of creation, for his lead performance and the level of excellence of his work.

Ivan Juarez is also the founder of Sensory Landscapes, a research lab and educational initiative which is dedicated to sensing the landscape through the conceptualization and findings of innovative methodologies for understanding and perceiving the environment through sensory experiences.

His works and trajectory have been awarded by multiple international institutions, and he has also received numerous international grants. His projects have been extensively published in international publications and exhibited at several international museums, galleries and cultural spaces.

His academic and curatorial work included intercultural issues, prompted by a number of exhibitions, lectures and workshops, collaborating with diverse international academic and cultural institutions, organizations and local community groups.